
What Makes TEAM Server For WebMethods Different?

We all know the devil is in the details so we encourage you to review our recorded webinars/demos and get hands on with a free, fully-supported 30-day evaluation.  All that said, here is a high level list of how TEAM Server for WebMethods is different.

Comprehensive Coverage Without Having To Write “One Off” Scripts

Your Digital Enterprise incorporates dynamic infrastructure, enterprise applications, and custom applications that all collectively work together to enable your core business functions. CrossVista’s approach allows you to provide the same deep level of coverage to your entire Digital Enterprise without having to repeatedly write, edit, and manage a bunch of complex scripts.

Coordinate Your Efforts With Change Management/Ticketing

Your Digital Enterprise incorporates dynamic infrastructure, enterprise applications, and custom applications that all collectively work together to enable your core business functions. CrossVista’s approach allows you to provide the same deep level of coverage to your entire Digital Enterprise without having to repeatedly write, edit, and manage a bunch of complex scripts.

Support Any Software Development Lifecycle Methodology

With CrossVista, you can support literally any Software Development Methodology. We generally recommend a process called Scheduled Integration which we believe offers a better combination of speed, consistency, and control not offered by other methodologies. Frankly, you can’t really do this with other solutions because the tooling is not available to effectively support it. With CrossVista’s Scriptless DevOps, you can support that and any other approach.

Does Your VCS “Know” What Is In It?

As a general process today, the tools you use to support your SDLC treat everything as a file. This causes a problem because it puts the responsibility on the end user to keep track of the various file types, understand “what” they are, be aware of “where” they should go, and “what you can do with them. It is one more thing for folks to track. With CrossVista, there is an awareness and intelligence built into the solution so TEAM Server “knows” what functional asset it is managing. One less thing for your team to keep track of and enables a different level of functionality.

Organizing Your Assets Is Critical To Your Project

In the past, project teams might export a file and place it in a VCS. This is a step in the right direction but they also need an easy way to track how an individual change might be dependent on other changes… or other groups of changes… or an overall project baseline. CrossVista makes it very easy to track your changes and keep them within “context” of an overall project baseline as well as other relevant changes. It helps your team get organized from the very beginning of the SDLC and then keeps their changes organized as they are moved forward from Dev all the way thru to Prod.

In A Digital Enterprise, Code Should Be Treated Just Like Configuration

In the old model, there was always a clear and visible separation between what is considered “code” and what is “configuration”. In a Digital Enterprise, that separation is much more cloudy. Part of the benefit of these enterprise applications is that that they make it easy to “configure” complex logic that would otherwise have to be written as traditional “code”. If you’re going to appropriately support enterprise apps, you need a better way to manage these applications. With CrossVista, your project code and configuration can be managed together as part of your overall project baseline.

Are You Still Manually Picking What Should Go Into A Patch?

In the old model, developers would create a “patch” for their application by selecting which files they changed or, in more recent times, folks would just take the last piece of code that was checked into a VCS. With CrossVista TEAM Server, we make it easier for folks to identify what is different and then easily generate patches which can be deployed, rolled back, etc. A patch is also not just a bunch of tagged files for CrossVista TEAM Server. These patches are also maintained within the “context” of an overall project baseline so your project will not get out of sync.

Are You Still Just Throwing Stuff Over The Wall?

In the old model, developers or build managers would create a “deployment set” consisting of all of the files that represent your changes. They would then either manually place those files on a target server or write a script to place those files on a target environment. Some vendors even provide specialized tooling for placing their files on a target system. What happens when a file is missing on the target system? What happens when a file is left out of the deployment set? By leveraging all of CrossVista’s previous functionality highlighted above, CrossVista can “intelligently” control the deployment. CrossVista always “knows” what is on the target system so it can also ensure you do not deploy changes out of context.

Want To Add Other Products To The Mix?

CrossVista’s framework processes are designed to be easily extended to include other functions. Want to set a quality gate to ensure developer’s code is not too complex before sending it to be tested? Want to dynamically configure new test infrastructure on Amazon or Microsoft Azure? Want to automatically share an update to your team over Slack regarding a project update? Or implement a Governance approval process on a shared piece of code? This is all part of the original design.

Better Tracking Leads to Easier Auditing & Troubleshooting

In the old model, it might take your entire team to track down and troubleshoot an issue. With CrossVista, comprehensive auditing and improved troubleshooting is built into the process. All changes are tracked very closely which makes testing changes and troubleshooting changes that much more efficient. If a problem is identified, then it is also that much easier to rollback your environment to it’s previous state prior to the issue.

Scriptless DevOps is a better way to manage change for your Digital Enterprise.

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